

Bueno buscando masteres del universo me he encontrado con este. Hace un tiempo me empezaron a hablar de los Eramus mundus. Consiste en Másteres de uno o dos años en los que te mueves por diferentes universidades de europa a tu gusto dentro del programa. Increíble. Cuestan como 5000 euros al año pero me parece que hay posibilidad de encontrar becas.

Este es de escenografía.
En la página encontraréis información del programa y contenidos así como la lista de universidades por las que puedes pulular.

A viajar!



The Erasmus Mundus programme is a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education which promotes the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world. It supports European top-quality Masters Courses and enhances the visibility and attractiveness of European higher education in third countries. It also provides EU-funded scholarships for third country nationals participating in these Masters Courses, as well as scholarships for EU-nationals studying at Partner universities throughout the world.

The partners of this master aim at gathering the European specialists in Performing Arts: intercultural approach to theatre, opera, dance, circus and street performances.
The Master consists of theoretical lectures, seminars, training courses, workshops and a final dissertation that give the student the opportunity to approach the spectacular events, their identity, their roots and their transformations in a changing society, with a focus on the European context.
The program aims at giving the students a variety of tools in relation with the critic, the production and the creation of a contemporary performance. The historical, social, anthropological, aesthetic and semiotic contexts are particularly taken into account. The program covers analysis, practice, organisation approaches of Performing Arts.

The joint degree awarded by the master is recognized by all the members of the consortium.

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