

En d21-leipzig.de Art-Zines para una exposición en Leipzig, publicados en el 2009.

In May 2010 the German non-profit art space D21 Kunstraum will host an exhibition of ArtZines – small artist publications that circulate in astounding varieties of forms and shapes, in print and online versions, at more or less regular intervals. These periodicals often refer to the DIY-approach of their predecessors, classic fanzines, which emerged from the ‘70s punk and underground music scene, mostly in the UK and the US.

The ArtZines show will shed light on an artistic medium that not only seems to have continuously gained visibility, popularity and presence in contemporary art institutions. It also addresses the ways in which its producers have adopted new channels of distribution, made possible by the Internet, that support interconnectedness and global coalescence.

Descargar el pdf :

open call for zines

Contact: Regine Ehleiter | ehleiter@d21-leipzig.de

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