


Venice Biennale: Prankster at Work

The V DrawingA detail from “The V Drawing” by the Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi. (Librado Romero/The New York Times )

If there is a court jester for this far-flung kingdom of art called the Venice Biennale, it is a Romanian artist named Dan Perjovschi, who has been making spontaneous, hilarious and scathing drawings on the walls of museums and other art spaces for a decade.

He seems to be everywhere right now. At the Museum of Modern Art in New York, he ascended dozens of feet in the air inside the basket of a hydraulic lift to execute drawings that cover one high wall of an atrium in a temporary show there. Here in Venice, he has doodled through a hallway at the Italian pavilion, and his permanent-marker drawings also greet visitors at the entrance to the Arsenale.

He has said that his drawings are “funny in the first glance, but really they are not funny at all.” (Watch a video of him making his work at MoMA.)

In Venice, with just a few pen strokes, he skewers pretensions, political, artistic and otherwise. One drawing shows a bunch of tourist-like figures with cameras. One of the figures has the camera oddly cranked around toward himself. An arrow pointing toward at him says: “Artist.’’ Another drawing shows a Venetian palazzo with the label “Past.” The next drawing shows an empty bottle (from a party, perhaps?) floating in the water, labeled: “Present.” The last frame shows only the water’s surface, with a cartoonish little wavelet; it’s the “Future.”


Georg Baselitz
“Goldener Stern” by the artist Georg Baselitz in the Venice pavilion. (Librado Romero/The New York Times)

A slide show of additional images from the 2007 Biennale.

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